friends of farenheit:
thanks for 12 years of your donations and patronage
I am always appreciative of donations. Unlike institutions that get all their books and help for free and throw away a lot of donations simply because they get so much or make disposing decisions based on religious or personal prejudice, I will treat your generosity with respect. So if you're in a giving mood and looking for a place that will find a home for the books you're done with; if you're a true bibliophile who believes in helping keep alive a vanishing sector of the literary world and wants to help put one humble bookseller on a competitive playing field with institutions that do not have overhead; this is the place.
Recent Friends of Farenheit 451 who have been more than generous in donating some really great books:
Adam, Adrian, Alyssa, Amelia, Andrea, Andrew & Cameron, Anita & Ken, Ashley, Aurea, Barbara, Barbara L., Bill, Bob, Bonnie, Bradford, Brian, Celest & Ken, Chris K., Chrysler & Royetta, Dan, Dan & Victoria, Demian, Diana, Don, Earl, Ellen & Kate, Elizabeth, Elizabeth & Morris, Eric, Fred, George, Harry, Isidro, Jackie & Brad, Jamie, Jacob, Jane, Jane & Eric, Jenny, Jerry & patty, Jim, Jimmy D.,John, Josh & Jamie, Kaine, Kari, Kaylee & Laurie, Kevin, Kim, Krista, Kristin, Larrys(3), Layna, Linda & Erin, Liz, Matt & Kirstin, Mattie, Michael & Michelle, Mika, Mikes(5), Mike D., Mike Sch., Misty, Mustafa, Nancy, Nancy & Patrick, Norma, Natalie & Joan, Patrick, Patrick & Ingrid, Pat O.,Paul, Penny, Quinn & Jessie, Ranjeeta & Karinya, Robbie, Ron & Ruth, Rory, Sarah, Scott, Sean & sarah, Shannon, Sharise, Sharon, Sheila, Mr. & Mrs. Stafford, Stephen, Steve, Summer, Susan, Tempest, Toms(4), Tom and Shari G., Tom R., Tony & Kim, Vincent & Crystal, Vivek, Roxanne, Ryan, Wes, Zack and a thousand others going back over 26 years whose names have vanished from memory but not the faces. Without their support, generosity and encouragement i may not be here today.